The EBC (Evidence Based Cosmetics) defines conscientious, explicit and critical – rational use of existing and availible evidence combined with the best examples of cosmetic expertise and taking into account all the preferences and values when considermig the welfare of the individual.
One of the greatest achivements of EBC is the developement and use of advenced dermadiagnostic tools that enable quantification, traceability and analysis of skin problematics and thus an overall consideration of the individual. It helps concretizate the evidence of the functioning.
5 basic entitetes of EBC principles:
- CONVERTION of the information needs eg. prevention, diagnosis, dermaestetic therapy, resolving dermaestetic problems, the sample links of the answers to the questions.
- CONSIDERATION OF THE EVIDENCE – following the best evidence for the answers to the questions.
- CRITICAL ASSESSMENT – critical assessment of the evidence: about the inpact (effect size) – about using values (applicability in cosmetic practice) and evaluation (reality).
- COMPLETENESS – combines a critical assessment of the cosmetic expertise and take into account all the individual circumstances of the individual.
- EVALUATION OF THE SUCCESSFULNES AND EFFICIENCY – implementetion of the steps 1 to 4. It is looking for the ways of future improvements.
The easiest way of entering EBC practice is the use of EBC resources which are constantly looking, evaluating and summarizing new evidences, knowledge and practices, permanenetly strenghtening the cosmetic profession and making it more credible and secure.